still boring

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so now that i have my new website all set up, i’m still bored with it.

it’s not like anything exciting is going on in my life. it’s just work-home-sleep, work-home-sleep, lather-rinse-repeat.

but i feel a certain obligation to update the site now that it’s got a spiffy new CMS and design, so here goes.

in two weeks, i’m going to las vegas for the society for technical communication annual conference. i’m looking forward to getting away for a week. and of course i’m looking forward to las vegas, although i’m not much for gambling. really i’m just looking forward to getting away.

in june we’re going to oak island for a week. my parents are renting the same house they rented last year. we went last year for a few days and it was a nice, relaxing vacation. it’s a quiet beach and not nearly so commercial as myrtle beach. i plan on taking a bunch of books and getting caught up on some reading.

nothing much has changed at work. it’s been very busy this year, more so than usual because i’m now officially managing a few people. i have a new person starting next monday so i’ll have to spend most of next week training her before i leave for vegas.

we’re finally fencing in the backyard. only took us three years to get around to hiring someone. right now we’re waiting on approval from the homeowners’ association, so we’ll see how that goes. they have 30 days to approve or deny and so far it’s been about 10 days since i faxed in the forms. we’re sharing a wall with our neighbors so it cuts the costs.

that’s about it for now. have a nice day and y’all come back.

One thought on “still boring

  1. hey chick! like your new site. i so wish i was going to vegas right now, i love it there! not a gambler myself but i like the scene. catch a few shows like you had mentioned to me before. sounds like you have some pretty exciting plans for the summer. i wish you all the best! well, enjoy the rest of your week and we’ll chat later.

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